SEO Glossary

Domain Authority

A common issue for anyone familiar with Link Building, the Domain Authority (DA) is when an Off-Page is considered relevant through some factors, such as reputation, domain age and quality of the content.


Basically, a website with a good domain is one with excellent content and good reputation among portals, blogs, newspapers and other media. It is not a rule, because there are some areas considered to be of excellence that do not have such strong content. It can happen, but that’s how it works.


How to know the authority of a domain?

So, how do you know if a domain has authority and is qualified to receive an external link? For that, there are several tools that incorporate not only domain authority, but also other essential analyzes for a successful publication. This is the case of Open Site Explorer, a link analysis tool that indexes and evaluates websites simulating Google’s algorithm.

The tool shows some important characteristics to determine the authority of the page, such as the total number of links inserted and even the amount of shares and likes on Facebook. Whether we like it or not, today these are factors that generate a lot of visibility for a portal, blog, company etc.


What does a website need to have Domain Authority?

Although the factors that influence a website’s DA are consistent, this “metric” often fluctuates. So, in addition to following it, you must also be aware of the various other SEO strategies. Among the factors that influence the authority of a domain, we can list:


– Diversity of links
– Reputation of the site
– Age of the domain
– Quality of links
– Content quality


Why is Domain Authority important?

Following the parameters of DA is a way of showing refinement and commitment. Most likely you want your name or the name of your company associated with a serious and respected vehicle.


It is like comparing a large and valuable news portal with a blog founded a few months ago. In no way disparaging the new blog, but which one has the content most likely to spread and, consequently, the external link to work? The news portal!

See here the most searched terms in Digital Marketing and SEO separated in alphabetical order.


SEO Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z